Get a digitally signed Pre-Approved Tenant certificate, you'll get a PDF & online link.
Share the certificate with the landlord using a secure link - this way they can trust it.
Stand out from other applicants and be accepted to get the rental you love!
0 €
Standard price 19 €.
A full report you can easily share with landlords to prove that you can be trusted.
With MONEY-BACK guarantee
Digitally signed background check
Proof that you can pay the rent
Share the report, not your private data
Documents validity confirmation
Rentium helped me stand out from 15 other applicants and move to my current home in less than a week.
My apartment had 10 other people applying for it, landlord picked me thanks to my Rentium pre-approved status!
Landlords will receive a report, without any of Your private details.
We also delete your data from our servers after calculating the report.
We use the same screening and scoring technology that the banks do.
We only use industry leading trusted data providers like Stripe and Nordigen.
Your parents, the school or your employer are usually happy to help you rent a home.
It's really easy with our sytsem.
Rentium Pre-Approved certificate gives this proof. is a tenant certificate platform that provides a secure and convenient way for tenants to showcase their creditworthiness to landlords. Our platform enables tenants to easily create and share their tenant certificate, which includes information about their income, employment, and similar. This certificate can be used to help secure the rental apartment of their dreams in highly competitive markets.
It is quick and easy. Simply click on any "Get Started" buttons, pay the fee and you will receive a link to your email inbox (check span & promotions if it's not there in a few minutes). Fill in the form, share the personal and financial information, and let do the rest. It will take about 10 minutes.
Our platform will automatically generate your tenant certificate and send you an email once it is ready. You can then share this link with landlords.
This link is long because of security reasons - it is so complex that noone else can randomly guess and access it.
At, we understand the importance of privacy and security when it comes to handling sensitive information. Our platform uses secure and encrypted methods to gather tenant information and ensure that all data is protected. We never access or store any sensitive information such as login credentials or account balances.
Tenant information is stored on secure servers located in a data center which is strictly compliant with European Union privacy and security regulations and has all up-to-date security policies in place. The servers are managed by reputable third-party companies to ensure the highest level of protection for tenant information.
No, does not have access to any of your funds, we cannot initiate any transfers or have access to sensitive personal information such as login credentials. We only gather information that is necessary to calculate the tenant certificate. Once the report is generated we delete all the data and we do not store any sensitive information.
This is also the reason why you have to share all of the data again if you need to create an updated version of the report, for example when you want to move to a different apartment next year.
Free for a limited period! is a cost-effective solution for tenants looking to secure a rental apartment in a competitive market. Our pricing is very transparent - all screening and scoring certificates cost 19 euros.
If for any reason we cannot create a report, for example if there is critical data missing, we will refund your purchase in no longer than 3 days.